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I am Northwest Arkansas Posts

Episode 48: 2020 A New Year, A New Decade, A New You!

I sit down for the first episode of a new year and decade to encourage you to go out and make the most of what life has to offer. This monologue was intended to encourage the listener and remind you that time is precious and family is important. We are so thankful for ALL of our listeners and supporters for sharing this podcast both near and far.  To see the complete show notes visit:

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Episode 47: The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

In this episode, I sit down with myself to Give Thanks for all of the great things that happened this year with I am Northwest Arkansas. I gave a shoutout to my good friend Anthony Sumlin and I encouraged everyone to take time for themselves over the holidays, spend quality time with loved ones, recharge, and get ready for an amazing 2020.
A new decade equals new opportunities. Anything is possible.

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Episode 46: A collection like no other, a conversation with Charlotte Buchanan-Yale from the Museum of Native American History in Bentonville

On this episode, we sit down with Charlotte Buchanan-Yale, Director of the Museum of Native American History in Bentonville. Charlotte takes us through the museum, how it got started with the vision of one man, entrepreneur David Bogle, and how it has slowly built up a following over the years. 

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Episode 45: Michael Day from Dayvision Films is keeping everything in FOCUS

In this episode, we sit down with Filmmaker Michael Day to talk about his Central Arkansas Roots, time spent at the University of Arkansas, and his plan to impact the world with his Movies and Videos.  

Michael is a shining example of the talent that exists here in Northwest Arkansas.  

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