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So, what can you find in the farms of NWA?

I can remember my cousins from St. Louis coming to the farm every summer to visit my grandparents. I know we had fun with them. Yes, we introduced them to snipe hunting. They helped us with our chores but didn’t realize it was work.

Okay. Maybe I wasn’t a kind cousin.

For fun, we would go fishing. We hiked. We explored. We did all these things in Northwest Arkansas.

I own that farm where all our shenanigans took place. I am a fourth-generation farmer on this farm. I believe it has entertained many young people over the years.

I have pondered why young people don’t venture out to the farms more. Maybe we farmers don’t do a great job of inviting others—shame on us.

I want to take this opportunity to either introduce you or remind you of the beauty that is nestled just mere miles from our amazing small big towns in Northwest Arkansas. What a great lifestyle our corner of the state offers.

But there is more to offer, the farm life.

So, what can you find in the farms of NWA?

You can find streams, the hills of the Ozarks, animals, orchards, large and small gardens, fields of grass ready to be cut, and more. Not to mention, Tyson, the largest poultry producer in the United States.
Spring and early summer is such a great time to explore these hidden treasures.

When COVID-19 clears, and it will seek a farmer to introduce you to their newborns. Spring is the time for many cattle and sheep to birth babies. There is just nothing cuter than a spry Angus newborn. Except maybe a new lamb.

Pick your berries at numerous berry farms. I promise the pies from your hand-picked berries are always better.

Enjoy the Farmers Market at the Fayetteville Square. Farmers’ markets are an excellent opportunity for locals to enjoy and appreciate farm-fresh, locally grown food. Also, there’s great camaraderie between the consumers and the farmers. In Fayetteville, you will find farmers, parents, cooks, children, dogs, musicians, and neighbors. All are coming together to enjoy the social aspect the market brings.

Farmers are great and noble people. I have no doubt, as we conclude social distancing, that farmers will embrace the opportunity to show off their farms to others. All you need to do is ask a farmer for a tour.

By the way, my St. Louis cousins got even when we would visit them in the city.

About Sheila Webb Pierson

Sheila Webb Pierson currently resides in Northwest Arkansas, not only working in the leadership development capacity but also as an owner operator of an Angus cow-calf farm.  Over 600 acres of rolling hills tucked away in the edge of the Ozarks has provided the perfect classroom for learning life lessons.

Sheila’s first speaking gig was the coveted emcee for the Northwest Arkansas 4-H Dairy show.  That has sparked a passion for entertaining while exploring the rather cool side of agriculture. 

Sheila has written two books.  The latest is her debut fiction novel, Endangered, which is a murder mystery focused in Northwest Arkansas.

Check her out at:

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