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I am Northwest Arkansas Posts

Episode 210: Uniting to Advance Women: Lela Davidson & Kimberly McGee of NextUp Northwest Arkansas

Be part of the band and join Next Up to advance women in business and the workplace through the power of community.

Here’s what I cover with Lela davidson, Kimberly McGee in this episode:
1. How can men become allies for the advancement of women’s issues?
2. How can companies create a more inclusive environment for female employees?
3. What opportunities are available for female entrepreneurs through the Next Up organization?

Lela Davidson is a 19-year Northwest Arkansas resident and co-chair of Next Up, an organization dedicated to advancing women, growing businesses and transforming the workplace through the power of community. Kimberly McGee has been in Northwest Arkansas for 20 years and is a co-chair of Next Up, where she leads the team that launched the Mentor Circles program.

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Episode 209: The Land of Opportunity: Taryn Mead & Matthew A. Myers on Northwest Arkansas’ Outdoor Entrepreneurial Culture

About the Show: Taryn Mead is an assistant teaching professor for the Strategy, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Innovation (SEVI) Program at the University of Arkansas. Matthew A.…

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Episode 208: Transforming Lives: Carol Silva Moralez and Upskill NWA’s Mission to Provide Access to Healthcare Jobs here in Northwest Arkansas

About the Show: “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for…

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