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Episode 40: 65 years of Symphonic Excellence, an insiders look at SoNA – Part Two

In this episode, we sit down with Matthew Herren, Executive Director and Julianne Brown, Chairman of the BOD with SoNA. This is the second of two interviews that we did with SoNA. In episode 37 of I am Northwest Arkansas, we sat down with SoNA Conductor Paul Haas who walked us through the artistic process of putting on a Season of the symphony.

Matthew and Julianne provided some great insight into how the Symphony started and what they have to do behind the scenes to make each season go. 

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Episode 39: Voted Most Likely to Be a Chef in HS, Jason Paul has created an Heirloom that tastes so good!

About the Show: One of the greatest lessons my Grandfather taught me was the importance of relationships. He would say, “It’s not what you know,…

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Episode 38: For Rachel Fox and NWA Girl Gang Timing is Everything

One of the things that I enjoy about doing the I am Northwest Arkansas podcast is all of the really cool people that I get to meet here in NWA and beyond. 

In this episode, we sit down with NWA Girl Gang founder Rachel Fox to discuss her time here in Northwest Arkansas and why a little serendipity never hurts when it comes to building relationships and being intentional about getting out, meeting new people and making friends. 

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Episode 37: SoNA Conductor Paul Haas is leading 65 years of Symphonic Excellence in the Ozarks

I must confess that I love classical music. Especially the Symphony. I grew up on Tchaikovsky, Handels Messiah, and Pachabel Canon.  I also love the Opera but we’ll get to that later. I learned very early on in my time here in NWA that we have our own Symphony and that it’s not just a program that has sporadic events but one that has been in existence for 65 years and counting. 

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